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09/19/01 Minutes
The City of Auburn
Historic Resources Review Board
c/o Office of Planning and Economic Development
Memorial City Hall   -  24 South Street
Auburn, New York  13021
(315) 255-4115    Fax 253-0282

Meeting Minutes

1.  Meeting was opened at 7:04 P.M. in the Training room of Memorial City Hall
In attendance were members: Michael Deming, Sam Swan, Betty Lewis, Ellen Clark, Michael Cuddy, Sr. and staff member Michael Long. Guests included: Hue Parker, Dr. David LoCastro, Andrew Ramsgard, Frank Cusumano, Maxen Champion, Joseph Wolczyk, Dianne Mikkelson, Michael Chamberlain, Mary Fedyshyn and son, and Beth Beer (Syracuse Newspapers).

2. Approval of Minutes:  Motion by:  Sam Swan, seconded by Betty Lewis. to approve the minutes of the July 10th, 2001 meeting as prepared without changes.  Approved unanimously.

3.  Certificate of Appropriateness:
A.      39 William Street illustrated parking and a circulation drive in the front yard which was the major discussion point regarding this proposal.    Motion:  to approve the site plan concept for the building addition with the following modifications: to have the owner / architect work with the planning staff and HRRB to review the final plan which include the relocation of the front yard parking to the side and at a minimum remove the parking spaces to the north of the tree to be saved (not shown on the site plan), the addition of a hedge along the William St. to be located behind the iron fence, and to reduce the parking impacts by Sam Swan, seconded by Ellen Clark.  All in favor - unanimous.

B.      14 Grover Street
1.      The first is the construction of a side and rear addition to the existing garage located at the rear of the home.  The plan was modified by a later submission to use one large garage door vs. the two smaller doors on the submitted drawing.  The owners will salvage the useable shiplap siding and reinstall to the side elevation with new material to match the original on the rear.  The original barn door opening will remain in place and the additions will be sided and trimmed to match the original.    Motion: to approve with the condition of the Mike Deming and Mike Long to review and approve the garage and side doors prior to installation by Ellen Clark and seconded by Sam Swan, all in favor.
2.      The rear porch was hit by a vehicle and needs repairs.  The tongue and groove floor with be repaired / or replaced in-kind.  The roof area also needs repairs in-kind.
3.       Two (2) east rear windows were replaced without a permit or HRRB approval. The original windows were multi-paned true divided light windows.  Motion: to allow the new windows to remain with the addition of muttons to match the originals that are to be completed within 60 days.  If the changes are not completed within this time frame, the new windows are to be removed and replaced with wooden one to exactly match the historic ones by Michael Deming, seconded by Ellen Clark, all voted in favor.

C.      18 condition and not to be impacted but may be repaired.  In addition, the garage roof was removed on the north slope.  The same asphalt roof will be installed on the garage with the metal hip ridges to remain in tack.  Motion: by Michael Cuddy, Sr., seconded by Sam Swan as presented subject to code compliance.  All voted in favor.

D.      21 Elizabeth Street
E.      96 South Street option is to “repair” the original historic windows so that they are preserved.  The second option is to install a “new storm window” to reduce the air infiltration and protect the original historic windows.  If these options are not viable, the third alternative is to replace the historic with an exact duplicate match of the same materials.  The Secretary of the Interiors Standards currently does not allow for replacement with vinyl but this is an issue that is being discussed in many other areas.  The replacement windows manufacturers have been producing better products.   

Mr. Wolczyk stated that he has looked at replacing the windows with white vinyl windows that simulate the original windows.  They were interested in maintaining the look of the arch top and character that they provide.  The original interior windows were squared and original moldings exist with the arch added to the building exterior in the front.  He has recently replaced the building furnace and is proposing to replace all of the wooden windows.  He stated that he has investigated wooden replacement windows and that they are almost three times the cost although he did not get any written price quotes.  The salesman offered to install three windows arch on top, and two rectangular windows to fill to opening (full length windows to the floor on the first floor).

Mike Deming discussed a recent trip to Albany where they inspected several different buildings with replacement vinyl windows, all of which were warped, deteriorated and leaking air.  The windows at the Willard Chapel were discussed in that they were repaired and now work properly.  There were also considerable questions regarding if Mr. Wolczyk would be interested in getting prices to repair the windows and wooden replacements.  Mr. Deming indicated that there was not any written price quotations that would be helpful in evaluating the options as presented.  (There is a section in the Historic Preservation Ordinance that deals with financial hardship.)

Motion:  to allow the owner to replace the existing historic wooden windows with vinyl double hung subject to planning staff approval of form, that the original sashes be stored for potential future reuse, the installation of a flat divided muttons within the vacuum space including 13 arch tops (three separate windows combined) and 29 rectangular made by Michael Cuddy, Sr., seconded by Sam Swan. Vote: Yes
F.   50 South Street - Maxum Champion   The First United Methodist Church                                  currently owns the property that was last year proposed for demolition.  Max and Erin Champion have a purchase contract with the church to acquire the building and restore for single-family use.  The proposal is for the first phase exterior restoration to include: all repairs in-kind to the roof overhangs and brackets, brick work to reinstall the two double hung windows on the second story front elevation (now plywood covered) relocating the existing side window cast iron window hood to the missing front and replacing the side one with a replacement (two originals together), one new similar sill, installation of the original window shutters (will cover the repairs), dark gray asphalt architectural shingle roof, new chimneys to match original, repair and replace broken windows, porch and steps, carriage house stabilization and roof repairs, etc.  In a later phase, they will reconstruct the original front porch based upon photographic documentation.   Motion:  to accept as presented made by Betty Lewis, seconded by Michael Cuddy, Sr., with all voting in favor, carried unanimously.     

4. Other Items:

A.      Preservation League Grant Request
B.      School Board action re: Local Law #2 City of Auburn, NY
5.  Next Board Meeting:
        The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 9, 2001 at 7:00 P.M. at Memorial City Hall
6.   Adjournment:       The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 P.M.  Motion by Betty Lewis, and seconded by Ellen Clark, with all in favor.                    

Minutes Recorded by: Michael Long.